"This website is for the property owners of Anderson County and all others who will find the information both helpful and informative. Thank you for using our site and contributing information to it's success!"
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My staff and I are continually striving to improve our service to you. We have attempted to make this website as simple and as useful as possible. Please feel free to let us know if you find anything that needs corrected, expanded, or included on this site.
We hope this site will be helpful to property owners, real estate agents, title companies, developers, investors, exempt organizations, greenbelt applicants and anyone else searching for property information in Anderson County.
Tangible Personal Property Online Filing Site
Click here for the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Division of Property Assessments »
Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. The information included on these pages has been compiled by County staff from a variety of sources, and is subject to change without notice. Our full website disclaimer can be read in full here.
What We Provide
The Anderson County Assessor of Property sets an appraised value on each parcel of land located in Anderson County and lists any improvements on it for assessment purposes except for public utility and railroad property.
The Propery Assessor and staff locates all real and personal property in Anderson County, establishes an assessment for all property, and applies all legal exemptions. We then compile all of these values into an assessment roll, which is a master list of all the real and personal property in Anderson County.
The Assessor's office also determines the value of the tangible personal property of businesses. The Board of Equalization hears property owner appeals relative to the value the office has set on their real and personal property each year starting on June 1st.
Need help with your property tax bill?
Calculating your property tax bill is actually a pretty simple process.
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